Nancy Hogshead-Makar recently made an appearance on Disrupting the Dominoes, a podcast and video series hosted by PAVE Prevention, to join PAVE CEO, Arlene Limas OLY and discuss the epidemic of violence against women and a systemic culture of violence in sport.
Nancy is the CEO of Champion Women, which leads targeted efforts to advocate for equality and accountability in sport. Focus areas include equal play, such as traditional Title IX compliance in athletic departments, sexual harassment, abuse, and assault, as well as employment, pregnancy, and LGBT discrimination. Nancy also assisted in establishing the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017.
PAVE Prevention CEO Arlene Limas OLY, meets with guests monthly on Disrupting the Dominoes to discuss workplace violence and PAVE’s work to provide businesses with the opportunity to offer employees training that contains vital human safety skills and helps navigate potentially violent situations. Nancy offers a unique perspective to the podcast through her experience in sport and law, and also personally having rediscovered her power through sport after experiencing a violent assault.
“You all can make a material difference in people who have experienced violence, in their lives, by being nice... and loving them through their struggles because recovery is not easy, “states Nancy when speaking with Arlene on the topic of her experience.
PAVE Programming offers training that includes tools to prevent violent events from happening, to react in real time to violent situations, and finding a way to heal from a traumatic event with a true full spectrum approach to help empower employees to be better, be stronger, and to heal.
The video recording of their discussion can be found here: Disrupting The Dominoes LIVE With Guest Nancy Hogshead-Makar - YouTube